Hidden Wives - Claire Avery The idea for this book really drew me in. Two sisters who grew up in a polygamist sect in Utah are finally of marriageable age. They are about to be married to elders in their community. Sara, the youngest, is a rebel in the eyes of her community. She loves to read and learn, far above what is expected of a girl in this society. Rachel is the beautiful one, the one that everyone wants, the sweet one, and also the one that doesn't question the teachings she has been fed for her entire life. Until now. What happens to make Rachel begin to doubt her faith and for Rachel and Sara to eventually leave the only home they have ever known is what this story is based on.

I must say, I began reading this book with a lot of anticipation. The fact that there are still societies in the world who subjugate women justs amazes me. The fact that some of them operate in the United States astounds me. I was very interested to see how the author approached this subject and represented the lives of the women involved. While I feel that she did an okay job and enjoyed the book overall, I was disappointed in the outcome. It seems to me that a story involving this particular subject could really pack an emotional punch. Instead what I found here seemed to just graze the surface and the rich subject matter that could have been highlighted ignored. This was most apparent in the last part of the book and the ending, where every loose end was tied up in a happily ever after ending that that I felt missed so many opportunities.

The story that was told was a good one and the characters were engaging, so I feel that I can recommend this book. Just don't be looking for a hard hitting emotionally packed story that deals with the subject of life in a polygamist sect in America.